UNtraining White Liberal Racism

Exploring what it means to be white, bringing awareness to white conditioning and privilege so we can change ourselves and the world.

UNtraining White Liberal Racism offers tools and practices for white people to investigate our white cultural conditioning, to uncover the ways it shapes our experience of ourselves and people of color, and to support change in ourselves and in the world. As children, we do not choose to take on our white conditioning, but as adults we can choose to undo it.

This program is held in groups of up to ten “white-identified” participants in a workshop format that combines presentation of concepts and tools, experiential exercises, self-reflection and group process. Most groups meet once a month for six months. Sessions are generally held on weekends.

Phase 1 of the ongoing program offers the basic tools and concepts of the UNtraining, including how to move beyond the dichotomy of seeing ourselves or other white people as either “good white people” or “bad racists” by learning to hold our white social conditioning in the context of basic human goodness.

People of Color Group

Exploring how to communicate authentically and compassionately with each other about issues of race, how to see the world beyond the pre-scripted conflicts of racism, and how to heal the effects of trauma resulting from being the targets of racism.

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The People of Color UNtraining group focuses attention on the places where the unique cultural/ethnic conditioning of each participant intersects with the diverse cultural/ethnic conditioning of the other participants, and with the social conditioning of the white dominant culture. The UNtraining isn’t a class as much as a group process using experiential exercises, interactive presentations, journaling, readings, and group discussion. The UNtraining is usually held in small groups that meet once a month for six months. The meetings are held on weekends.

Phase 1 offers the basic tools and concepts of the UNtraining, including how to move beyond the dichotomy of seeing people of color as “good representatives of your race” or “bad representatives of your race” and seeing white people as either “good white people” or “bad racists” by learning to hold all of your social conditioning in the context of basic human goodness.

Beyond Black and White: Being Chinese in America

Exploring the interface of internalized racism and our own cultural conditioning to bring healing for ourselves and others.

The Chinese UNtraining program is an opportunity to identify how we internalize messages from the dominant white culture to be our own, and to explore the effects of internalized racism in a group setting with others who identify as people of Chinese descent.

The UNtraining is held in small groups that meet once a month for seven months in a workshop format that combines presentation of concepts and tools, experiential exercises, self-reflection and group process.. Each group consists of a maximum of ten participants. Meetings are held on weekends.

Phase 1 offers the basic tools and concepts of the UNtraining, including how to move beyond the dichotomy of seeing yourself or others as “good representatives of your race” or “bad representatives of your race” by learning to hold all of your social conditioning in the context of basic human goodness.

Jewish and White in America

Exploring the complexity of clashing identities -- the heritage of Jewish genocide in a far-off country, having privilege as white people in America, and experiencing encounters with subtle or overt anti-Semitism in our own lives.

We acknowledge that not all American Jews enjoy white skin privilege. The experience of Jews of color tends to be very different from that of white Jews. In 2015, a pilot UNtraining group addressed the issues of being Jewish and white in America.

“Jewish and White in America” supports participants to explore identities they have inherited unconsciously and chosen consciously, all within an atmosphere of deep respect, intensity, and welcome for all. The group can help you be more aware of the intersection of white training and your own cultural training as a Jewish person and how this intersection impacts your views of self, your relationships with others, and your ability to have confidence and influence in the world.

This program is still in development. A prerequisite is completion of Phase 1 of UNtraining White Liberal Racism.


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